Term 1 Week 5 News

 Jolly Grammar – This week we looked at when y makes a long e sound. We thought of lots of feeling words eg happy, angry, grumpy, silly, lonely…..
Maths – We are investigating linear measurement. We are learning to order from longest to shortest and measure using arbitrary units(blocks, pop sticks, straws etc) with no gaps or overlapping.
Writing – We are writing another narrative. We read our collage books to our buddies and got some feedback from them on how to make our narratives better next time.
Spelling – We all had another spelling test this week on our sight words. A list will come home next week for us to learn.
No sharing in week 6. We will start the day with playful learning.
Kathy has long service leave tomorrow. Karen Hedger will be in class. Next week on Wednesday and Thursday, Kathy has report writing days. We are lucky to have Karen back in room 13.