Term 3 Week 2 News

Jolly Grammar
– We found words with the ay sound and also put words into alphabetical order. Some of us can look at the second letter in words that start with the same letter to order them too!! Eg Saturday , Sunday. We found some animal words in dictionaries.
Maths – We spent the week doing lessons from Jo Boaler’s website. It was lots of fun. Try some finger discrimination at
Diary notes – This week change to specialist subjects, swimming and lapathon reminder notes came home.
Nature Play – We are doing Nature Play every day next week with Ms Coutt’s receptions from 03. Send along gumboots and coats on Monday.
Australian animals – We have all chosen an animal to research. We have found some keywords about our animal and an image from google. Next step is to make a poster to send to our sister school in Japan.
Health – We will be starting our topic on “keeping safe” next week, as part of the child protection program.
Parent help – We need some more of our artwork glued into our WOW books. If you have any spare time, please pop in and help out.
Lapathon is on tomorrow. I won’t be at school, but Karen Hedger is in for the day. Parents are welcome to come along and support us from 9:45-10:45.
Theatre money is due by Monday. Thanks to those who have already paid. Reminder no lunch orders next Friday due to early departure for the theatre.