Term 4 Weeks 1 and 2 News

Firstly a big thanks to Dawn Drewer and Karen Hedger for taking room 13 in week 1 whilst I was on leave.

Jolly grammar – We have worked with words containing oy and or sounds. We have also used adverbs to describe verbs. We looked at words ending in sh, ch, s and x and how to turn them into plurals… eg witch  – witches.

Maths – Our topic has been chance and data. We have made class and individual picture graphs. Some of us even made picture graphs on KID PIX in the computer room. We found out that room 13 has the most brown eyes and room 14 has the most blue eyes. We have no red heads but room 14 has three. JK suggested we collect sticks and leaves and record our findings on a graph.

Spelling – Another list of sight words has been written by your child in their diary. Encourage them to learn to spell these ready for their next test.

Science – The children are really engaged in our topic on light. Next week your child will swap which teacher they have been working with, to finish the other half of our activities. Advance warning…. Week 4 sharing will be about light – shadows, sun, moon, stars, fire, lights, torches, lanterns renewable or fossil fuels ….. endless possibilities. Help your child prepare a 2 minute talk/presentation.

WOW books – There is a lot of artwork waiting to be glued into our WOW books. If you have some spare time we would really appreciate you coming in and helping us with this.

Week 3 is a short week with a pupil free day on Friday. I will be testing Wednesday morning and am involved in an admin meeting Wednesday afternoon. Also on Thursday I have leave. So Karen Hedger will be in on Wednesday and Thursday.

End of year Concert – Hopefully your child has already come home, excited, and told you what our class is doing for the concert……. We are working with room 14 and presenting Pink Let’s get the party started! Costumes will be pink hair, white singlet, black gym shorts, sandshoes and short white socks. Bling is encouraged too!!