Reflective Learners

Today we started preparing for our Student Led Conferences.

We looked through our books and were amazed at the amount of work we have done this year, the things we have learned about and how much we have grown.

Some comments were:

  • much neater
  • so proud of myself
  • proud of my work
  • I was so young when I did that
  • I can do more numbers now
  • I’m writing neater/better
  • I have learned heaps

Many students spent along time looking at their work and being so reflective. It was awesome to witness this. Some were quite overcome and found it difficult to choose just one or two examples to share with you next week.

We can’t wait to talk about our learning with you!

Lemonade anyone???

HV said he was bringing lemonade in today…….

We got to try a citrus fruit called Lemonade fruit today.

It was the size of a large mandarin and the colour of a lemon. It peeled like a mandarin and was very juicy. Most children thought it tasted like lemonade! NW described it like a mandarin taste to start (sweet)  and then the after taste was a bit like a lemon (sour).