Maths – Arrays

Today we went outside with our buddies to work on our arrays.


Planting flowers in rows.

Counting by 3s


Who will have more cakes here?

3 rows of 4 or 2 rows of 5…….


Our buddies enjoyed helping us with our arrays. They explained things to us without telling us the answers. We were even double checking our answers when we weren’t sure if we were correct or not. We  hope our drawings didn’t get washed away with the rain!


Pet incursion consent

Thanks to those who have returned and signed for your child to be involved in our pet incursion, regarding safety around dogs. This is happening next week. If you haven’t returned form please do so ASAP. If you can’t find note, please write a note in your child’s diary and have them show me. Unfortunately if I don’t receive signed consent your child will not be able to participate.


We introduced our new topic about multiplication today. We are looking at repeated addition and arrays to start with. I have asked the children to see what arrays they can find at home one night this week. They can record them using pictures and numbers in their diary or on a separate piece of paper. Get creative!!

What is an array? Ask your child to explain it to you….

I found these at my home tonight…..


Advance Notice…..

Room 11 and 12 are planning an excursion to the Botanic Gardens on Thursday 15th November.

We will need four parent helpers with current police clearances to help supervise the students. Those who didn’t help out at Monarto will have first priority.

Please email me if you are interested.
