Term 1 Week 9 News……

Jolly Grammar – This week we found short vowel sounds in words. We also practiced putting letters into alphabetical order. Try to get your child to automatically start anywhere in the alphabet and say what comes before or after that letter. A great skill for us all to have!

Sight words – We have made posters of some sight words that we need to learn to spell. Please hang them up at home.

Writing – This week, in preparation for our interviews, we wrote about what we are good at, like and can get better at with our learning. In the computer room we had our first go at typing up our writing using WORD.

Maths – We had lots of fun with doubles this week. There are some fun songs about doubles on you tube. Named snap lock bag of coins must be at school by Monday, as we start our money topic next week.

Health – Our focus this week has been the school values of Care, Respect and Safety.

In readiness for Enterprise day we would still like a popcorn maker by Friday 7th for electrical tagging.

Interviews went well. Thanks for coming in and sharing about your child’s learning.

Sharing next week is for your child to confidently talk about something they have enjoyed about Year One. Please help them prepare for this at home.

Pencil cases are becoming a distraction and are being sent home. There is no need for them as we have shared pencils etc.  We need to be using triangular lead pencils to help support correct pencil grip. Also the use of erasers is not encouraged. Pease help to support this J

Reminder that Dawn Drewer will be in room 13 on Friday 31st March.

Enjoy the weekend with your family.